Friday, June 21, 2019

Vanipedia Main Pages

Celebrations at Vanipedia.

My Dear Vaniservants.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On the longest day of the year - in the Northern Hemisphere  - when light is all around us, we are happy to announce that we have hopefully taken the translation projects of Prabhupada's works one gigantic step forward by launching unique Main Pages for each language.

Now if you look and click into them, on the left side language bar you see that all of these 49 languages now have main pages that list

1. An introduction to Vanipedia
2. A link to the Content existing in the language
3. A call to collaborate with the translating teams to create more content
4. A Random series of BG Verses (for those languages that have uploaded their  BG)
5. A Random series of Hardcoded YouTube Videos in their language)
6. A Random series of Nectar Drops (for those who have started translations)
7. The Vanipedia Manifesto

*Note: If the different aspects of the Main Page have not been translated then the aspects appear by default in English until they will be translated.

We have been working on this project since March.  Many thanks to Anurag for coordinating the technical parts of it. Thanks to Matthias who helped with some aspects of the technical parts.

Thanks to Sri Jahnavi for doing the translation for Portuguese Brazilian, Mitra for Polish, Tulasi Manjari for Spanish, Tattva Darshana for Hungarian and Matthias for German.

Other devotees are warming up to get the main page completed in their own language.
Angela is working on Italian, Sharmistha and Mani Gopal are working on Bengali, Braja Laksmi will start in French and  Adbhuta Gauranga is working on Russian, so thanks to them as well.

And of course thanks to all of you who have been translating the content for the last 6 years. You are the Vani-heroes who have made these main pages possible. 

I will be contacting some of you to work on your languages over the next weeks, but if some of you are inspired, then you can proactively contact me and I will happily introduce you to it.  There is very little translation work actually - apart from the Manifesto which is a 15-page document.

Sorry for not reporting the progress too regularly lately.  I am a little overwhelmed with vaniseva :-)

May Prabhupada always bless his Vaniservants who are doing his work!

your grateful servant

Visnu Murti dasa

more languages will be added as they get to 108 videos translated.  Japanese and Javanese just made it into this list over the last few days. Thanks to Harinamananda and Gusti for their translations.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Translating Srila Prabhupada's letters in German

This project is gaining momentium.  We nearly have 150 letters already translated and are now taking commitments up until December 2020.  Check it out, you might want to join us.

Audio to Text Fidelity Project

We are gearing up to restart the Audio to Text Fidelity project that we launched in 2014.  Should be up and running in the next couple of weeks, so for those for you who "love Attentive Hearing" stay tuned as we have something for you.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Vaniseva Inspiration and News

Welcome to our Vaniservants Blog. This is where we share inspiration, realizations and milestones acheived in the sacred mission that we all perform together. The idea is to use this platform to continue inspiring and encouraging each other to continue our vaniseva for Srila Prabhupada's Vani-temple the Vanipedia.

Whenever you want to write something - then do not hesitate to share with us.